Companies with Domestic Goods Certificate One Step Ahead
The use of DOMESTIC PRODUCTS, which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attaches great importance to, and the preference of domestic products in the procurement of goods to be made to public institutions are increasing their importance day by day.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized that the products produced in Turkey should be preferred primarily in the applications regarding the procurement of goods to be carried out by public institutions and organizations, and asked the managers to show the necessary sensitivity in this regard.
Asel Teknik company operating in Kütahya continues to be the face of Kütahya. Last month, the company, which was highly appreciated with its own project and production of dedusting machines at the inventors fair, was entitled to receive a DOMESTIC PRODUCT certificate for its inventions.
The company official Dr. Mechanical Engineer Barkın Minez, who made statements to Mining Turkey on the subject, said that 81% of the products we have invented are Domestic Goods and are advanced technology products. By completing the necessary application procedures, we were entitled to receive the Domestic Goods certificate we applied for.
We are happy to contribute to the use of Domestic Goods, which is very important for our country. Our state has many privileges for companies with Domestic Goods certificate. We proudly offer these privileges to all our customers as Asel Teknik Endüstriyel in Kütahya.
As you know, a while ago, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce launched the campaign “ ‘I PRODUCE FOR TURKEY, I CONSUME FOR TURKEY’ ”.
Turkey is now motivated to transition from an import-based consumption economy that negatively affects the volume of industrial production, employment and technological development momentum as well as foreign exchange reserves;
to a model of growth through production.
A domestic industry that produces products and solutions in every field from textiles to logistics, from construction to agriculture will be the critical player of this period.
Figures in almost every sector show that the current account deficit can be proactively reduced through value-added production, branding and changing consumption habits.
Producing every product that can be made in Turkey, even though it is imported, in our country and consumers preferring domestic products with a national consciousness can be Turkey’s new power.
What is a Domestic Goods Certificate?
It is a document showing that the product produced contains at least 51% domestic contribution.
By whom is the Domestic Goods Certificate issued?
Domestic Goods Certificate is issued by the chambers and stock exchanges affiliated to TOBB. In order to issue a domestic goods certificate, it must be calculated by the expert and financial advisor, and the company must also undertake that at least 51% of the product produced is domestic goods.
What are the Advantages of the Domestic Goods Certificate?
Producers who obtain a Domestic Goods Certificate are granted a 15% price advantage in public tenders. In other words, SMEs and large-scale companies that obtain a Domestic Goods Certificate can offer 15% more price in public tenders.